Monday, August 16, 2010

Eat Pray Love

I recently saw Eat Pray Love, it was such a good movie and the costumes were fantastic. The film features a woman, Liz, who travels to Italy, India, and Bali in search for herself. The first place she travels to is Italy.

Julia Roberts stars as Elizabeth Gilbert in the new film of Gilbert's soul-searching memoir, Eat Pray Love.

Photo via cbc

While in Italy she wore darker colors and heavier fabrics. The best part of Italy was all the amazing food she ate!

julia roberts in india on set of eat pray love

Photo via Celebrityphotos

Next she travels to India where she stays at an ashram to pray. While in India she wears light fabrics in vibrant jewel tones.


Photo via

The last destination is Bali where she finds love and balance. In Bali she wears gauzy fabrics with embroidery and mixes earth tones with rich colors.

If I were going some where to eat pray and love I would pick France.


Photo via weheartit

I would eat yummy pastries and crepes everyday

Notre Dame

Photo via adamgoldberg

I would pray at Notre Dame Cathedral

Photo via mymelange

And I would love shopping at all the little boutiques!

Where would you go to eat pray and love?

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  1. I think i would probably have spent the entire time in Italy. To eat, there is plenty. Pray at St Peters Basilica and LOVE...oh have you seen the Italian men?

  2. i saw it too, and i agree about the food! if i were to eat, pray, love, i think i'll eat in paris, pray in italy, and love in london. :D

    <3, Mimi

  3. I just finished the book! Can't wait to see the movie! Julia Roberts always succeeds!!! I would definitely go to Italy! xo

  4. Cant wait to see that movie!
